Fairytale Astrology
"Woven into your astrology chart is a fairytale that plays out over time." In 2022 we had that intuitive flash, and at that moment our version of Fairytale Astrology was born, a big picture, right-brain, evolutionary astrology approach to understanding your life's journey.
Created by Daniel Lally and Jeff Baugher, Fairytale Astrology is an invitation to follow the breadcrumbs hidden in the astrological birth chart to a higher perspective of your life's journey and a fascinating fairytale woven into our birth chart - one that you are uniquely qualified to create and interpret.
We would be thrilled to guide you into this experience, and one resource is our unique companion guide, available at Amazon.com.
We would be thrilled to guide you into this experience, and one resource is our unique companion guide, available at Amazon.com.
Contact us to schedule an orientation of your fairytale astrology on zoom or in person, and at the following links you may also learn more about moon cycles and 29.6 year cycles - both integral parts of the fairytale journey.
My Sabian symbols + 29.6 year cycle overview
(90 minute session + written report)
Bonus! Online videos are free for a year and we will also ship you a copy of our Fairytale Astrology guidebook!